Hi #[1], did not understood the…
Hi #[1], did not understood the hype in #[2], yesterday 😂 suddenly 🚀you are all over #nostr
Well done 🤙
Followed and
Ich wünschte wir hätten jemand wie…
Ich wünschte wir hätten jemand wie #[1] in #Europa 🇪🇺der die Ahnungslosen in Brüssel über #Bitcoin aufklärt und mit seinem
Interesting comparison table of #Bitcoin vs…
Interesting comparison table of #Bitcoin vs Fiat, Crypto and Gold!
Hey #[0] when do you include the authors' #Nostr
We have approx 1-4 trillion…
We have approx 1-4 trillion trees in the world 🌳
Scientists estimate 👩🔬 there are between 200-400 billion stars
Today, I had a conversation with…
Today, I had a conversation with a new Nostrich, ...so excited about the possibilities that #Nostr offers 😍💜🙏
Some users embrace
#zapathon with #[2] Wallet Connect 🤯
#zapathon with #[2] Wallet Connect 🤯
#plebchain #OnlyZaps #zapathon #nostriches #zap
#plebchain #OnlyZaps #zapathon #nostriches #zap…